Duralac Colors Insoluting Courts


DURALANE FLOOR PRIMER is a transparent polyurethane 2-component system with solvents. It is used as  a substrate for the final polyurethane flooring paints. It offers high adhesion between the floor and the final polyurethane paint. It also used as a varnish for the protection of epoxy floorings, industrial floor, stamped-concrete floors etc. 
Color: Transparent
Appearance: Glossy
Application temperature: +10°C to +35°C
Consumption: 150-250ml/m2 in two layers.
Workability time:<1hr
Drying touch time: 2-3hrs
Recoat: after 24hrs
Walkability: after 24hrs
Final strength: 7-10days
Application tools: brush, roller, squeeze
Requirements: substrate humidity<4%.
Mixing ratio A:B=3:1